Inspired by a freebie from another TpT seller (Ann Marie Smith of Innovative Connections), I made these French door hangers freebies.
I'd love to hear whether you think they are as cute as I do! Please leave me some feedback if you do download them.
If you don't have your own classroom, these can be useful even for a French teacher on a cart - you could keep them in your bins & use it as needed to explain why the door is closed for noisy group work, for example, or for when you've decided to take the class outside for an active learning session in the fresh air. And all French teachers are in need of incentives from time to time for their students, so there's one included that you can give to each of your students if you wish, or just to a select few as prizes! I'd be so hear from you to let me know if you (and your students) enjoyed this free product!
I'm wondering whether "Daily Physical Activity" or l'Activité Physique Quotidienne (DPA/APQ) is unique to Ontario or if other states and provinces have similar programs. Do you need to fit active periods into your regular teaching blocks, or is adequate gym time scheduled to meet the students' needs?